Friday, January 18, 2013


For this project I learned how to use the magic wand and how to put a lot of pictures together. Not only the same picture but many of them. The theme for this project I did Cartoon network , well my favorite shows that I ever seen. This is really easy to do, as long you are creative on where to place each picture. However, when you use the magic wand you have to open another file so you are able to write the text you want.

A photo filled text you can choose any background you will like to work with. This text it takes a long time for you to able to understand it completely. However, as you can see it come outs pretty cool and its background in the letters look awesome. You can either choose the same background or a different one. I have to admit it was a fun text to do , and you have to have patient to be able to do this kind of text. You can chose a city like I did or you can chose any other picture. Have you creativity!
To do this kind of photoshop I use the Gradient tool to make the structure of the chick. You can change the color of the gradient if you want to. Eliptacle Marqque tool to make the eyes , for it I used the white color with the paint bucket. I also changed the gradient to do the nose. For the legs you can use the hidden panels . You can also change the size of the legs if you want to.
Opacity is really cool to use. As you can see I showed you the different opacity of one color. If its less you will most likely see it lighter and if the opacity is greater than , it would likely to be a higher color although it’s the same color all a long . For my opinion I think that when ever the opacity is lower it looks more realistic when you used it to a picture. The opacity is always located on the top layers, you will want to choose a color first and then change the opacity if you want to.
